Localized agriculture provides economic, social and environmental benefits to communities throughout the American West. The Gallatin Valley in Montana is no exception. Just outside of Bozeman in Kelly Canyon, Jennifer and Chris Boyer raise boer and nubian goats on Farm 51. They provide sustainably-raised goat meat to restaurants in Bozeman and to consumers through the local Community Co-op. 

Farm 51 has grown organically from a hobby to a business for the Boyers. A couple of years ago, the local Bozeman news produced a feature on the growing goat farm just outside of town. Since featured, the farm has expanded their sales channels and further developed their operation.

We recently toured Farm 51 with Jennifer and Chris. Their thoughtful approach and sustainable management practices are equally as impressive as the baby goats are adorable. Together their family feeds, cares for and nurtures their herd to produce consistent, high quality meat and breeding stock. Our tour was informative and delightful. Kidding season may be our new favorite season.

To keep up with Farm 51, follow them on Facebook, and in the mean time enjoy a few photos from our day on the farm.