At Topos & Anthros, we work with non-profits on strategy and engagement. Currently we are working with One Montana on a number of strategic initiatives including the landowner recruitment and retention component of their signature Master Hunter Program.

Launched in 2018 to field more ethical, educated, and effective hunters, the Master Hunter Program provides landowners opportunities to build relationships with hunters in an effort to manage wildlife on their property.

With One Montana, we are looking for additional thoughtful landowners who are looking for options to manage their wildlife populations, who want to build lasting relationships with hunters, or who want to provide controlled private-land access to competent, ethical, responsible, and certified hunters. Each participating ranch can fully customize the hunting experience on their property to meet their specific objectives and preferences. Landowners and managers choose the species and sex of the animals to be hunted, the locations and timeframes in which hunting can occur, and the ways in which they care to interact with hunters. Landowners may also ask for services days to help with tasks on the ranch or other forms of consideration in exchange for offering hunting.

In 2019, 17 ranches participated in the program, each with a unique package and offering. The Master Hunter Program benefits ranchers, farmers, and absentee owners as well as Montana hunters and helps build community while connecting folks from both urban and rural areas across the state.

Want help managing wildlife from a network of thoughtful hunters who are committed to partnerships with Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, and to establishing good working relationships with landowners? Interested landowners can learn more and can enroll online. For questions and further information, email Kelly Beevers at